Honda Powered Karcher Pressure Washer - Leaking Water Out Bottom Of Pump
Honda Powered Karcher Pressure Washer - Leaking Water Out Bottom Of Pump
Hello, I just joined the Forum. My name is Mike. I have a Honda CV160 5.5 HP powered Karcher G2500VH power washer. Bought around 2002. Worked great for a handful of years, then water started leaking badly out of the bottom of the pump. This happens when the hose is attached and my hose bib is turned on, whether or not the engine is running. I do get some pressurized water out of the wand, but the rate of leaking water is bad enough to make a mess where the unit sits, so I don't use it anymore. I don't see a crack in the housing, and the Honda engine runs great (started on the 1st pull when I put fresh gas in it after not running it for about 12 years!). Picture of water leaking while inlet hose is turned on and engine is shut off. Any ideas of what may be wrong or do I just need to tear down the pump and diagnose from there.
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