GX390 Kicks back
I picked up a Honda GX390 so I don't have any history. The pull start was missing so I put one on that I had. It wouldn't start so I sprayed starter fluid down the carb. It kicked back hard and took the starter rope out of my hand. I tried several times and yep it kicks back. I removed the valve cover and watched the exhaust valve. Yes it has the small dip for compression release, The valves were a little lose so I tightened them to specs. .018 exhaust and .015 intake. Put it back together and it still kicked back. I removed the valve cover again and valves were still correctly adjusted. I did notice the exhaust rocker does not go down as far as the intake. Do you know if both lobes on the camshaft have the same lift? What else should I look for that would create the kick back? Thanks for the help!!!!
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