Kawasaki FH580V timing issue
Kawasaki FH580V timing issue
This engine is from a John Deere GT235. It is a Kawasaki FH580V, 2-cyl, 4stroke. I picked it up from a yard sale. When I got it, it was running on 1 cylinder. I checked compression and one of the cylinders was at 0 psi. I removed the engine, split the case and found that the ring gaps had aligned. I reoriented the rings according to the tech manual. Reinstalled the pistons, crank and camshafts. I aligned the crank and cam shafts using the timing mars. Reinstalled everything, but when I go to start the engine I see gas spewing out of the carb. I have taken this engine apart 3 times to insure the timing marks are ok and they are. Here are my questions:
1. which cylinder is #1 looking down at the flywheel?
2. When aligning the the crank and cam shafts is cyl #1 completely up in the cylinder or down?
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