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2023/06/25 22:27:29
Always Learning

Honda 6.5 HP GX200

My pressure washer will run but is very weak. When I let go of the trigger it will kill every time. I read all about the unloader valve. This one is integral. I tried cleaning everything. New spark plug, cleaned out jets. new gas. I cant get my video to attach so you can hear it run.
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You don't have a heavy spring with a threaded rod sticking out of the pump?  
2023/06/26 07:51:32
Always Learning
No Sir. There is a spring in a brass hex head.
2023/06/26 15:46:42
Always Learning
No Sir. There is a spring in a brass hex head.

That IS the un-loader valve.  
There should be a "U" shaped clip holding the valve in. Pull that clip and remove(pull) the valve.
There's usually corrosion in there that needs to be removed.
On the tip, there's a thin "needle" on the tip that should be moveable.
There's  numerous video's about the valve on You Tube...
2023/06/27 07:49:37
Always Learning
Thanks for your replies. Yes, I have watched many YouTube video's on the unloader valve and saw the clip. I realize what I described to you is my unloader valve. I do not have a U shape clip. I have a model 3Dx29Gsi pump on my Honda GX200 engine. I took everything apart the best I could. The reason I got on this site is because I tried everything so far except getting a reverse pliers to get the parts pulled on the top three valves of the pump. The engine barely runs with little pressure but will stay running until I let go of the trigger. I have a video of it but for some reason I cant attach it to this post, Thanks again!
2023/06/27 08:00:16
Always Learning
This is the pump I have. Would really like to know if it is the engine or pump as the engine sounds very weak and clangy..
2023/06/27 08:07:03
The pump model # helped a bunch.  Being a CAT pump, it's a "higher end" pump and doesn't have 
the "visible" un-loader valve.  
Page 3 here: 
shows the un-loader valve which I would check/clean first...
2023/06/28 08:15:58
Always Learning
I just took the pump of today and the engine runs exactly the same. I am assuming that is somewhat good news as those pumps are expensive. What would be the main cause of the engine barely running and sputtering? I cleaned the jets out. put new gas in. new spark plug so don't know what to do next..
2023/07/04 20:02:46
Did you look at page 3 of the link I found? 
It shows the un-loader valve in detail, it's under that 6 sided brass nut..
I would check that for corrosion. 
I suspect pulling the rest of the pump is not going to help you..
2023/07/05 19:40:02
Did you check the un-loader valve?   The brass 6 sided nut atop the pump?
I left a link, page 3 above..
2023/07/05 19:41:42

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