Simpson CM61083-S Pressure Washer Fuel System
Simpson CM61083-S Pressure Washer Fuel System
New guy here. I'm 71 and have a ton of experience with small engines. A couple of years ago I bought a Simpson CM61083-S pressure washer, I believe on Amazon. The reviews were very good, and the price/performance were very attractive relative to other offerings. I have seen a post online that the engine, Simpson model CRX208cc, is copied from a Honda engine, and it does look for all the world like a Honda engine. The first time I used it, I was totally amazed. After I finished, as I always do, I turned off the fuel valve, let it run until the carb was empty, and siphoned the remaining gas from the tank. The next time I used it was about 6 months later. Filled it with fresh gas, turned on the fuel valve and pulled the cord about 50 times. Nada. Pulled the plug and checked for spark. Next I filled a syringe with gas and squirted about 5 CC in the intake. Sputtered for a few seconds. Did it again, and after it started, just kept squirting gas until it would run on its own. The engine was loping (rpm running up and down) a lot, like you would expect with stale gas. Not the case. I washed the garden tractor with it running like that for 10 minutes or so. It maybe got a trifle better, but was never really happy and won't idle. I'm thinking adjust the carb for probably a different blend of gas/ethanol, but can't find any adjustments.
So, I decided to pull the carb and clean it just for kicks, knowing it wouldn't fix anything. It was spotless and beautiful inside. Looked like new. Reinstalled it and it still runs the same. I worked on a Craftsman pressure washer a while back for my brother-in-law that had the same symptoms. It, too, had the "not" adjustable carb. I bought a new carb online for his and after installing it, it ran fine.
It has been sitting around for over a year, and today I decided to try to do something with it again. I see what I think is a correct carb on ebay, but this doesn't make any sense to me. I don't understand what happened to a brand new carb after being used just one time, drained and properly taken care of.
Can anyone hold forth on this problem? It doesn't make sense to chuck a brand new carb that should be working fine.
I can't get the site to let me upload pictures, but, trust me, the carb looks pristine inside.
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