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2024/09/10 16:07:32

Deck belt Not Engaging

Bought this mower used, I have changed the spindles and PTO engagement cable. When I use the manufacturer spec'd deck belt it doesn't engage and feels loose. I tested out a shorter belt and it worked great but got chewed up quickly. Any ideas on why the right size belt doesn't seem to be working properly. Craftsman Model 247.288842, spec'd belt is 96-1/2".
I have a video if there's a way to upload it here easily. 
4 comments Leave a comment
First, your mower deck 
I would remove the deck and check all idlers for smoothness.
There should be a flat bar (with bends in it), that moves to tighten (when PTO engaged)
and when relaxed leave slack in the belt.... The bolt that holds that down, tends to rust and not move freely. If need be, remove grind off rust and re-grease.
Lastly, make sure the belt is routed correctly.  With the engine off, engage the PTO and check to see the belt isn't rubbing up against anything...
2024/09/10 17:35:35
Thanks Scott. I have replaced the idlers and the flat bar and still have this issue.
2024/09/10 20:39:39
Well, if the deck is ok, the belt is the issue.
Have ordered belts and occasionally they don't fit.
What you could do is a get a piece rope, about the thickness of the oem belt.
Route it around all the pulleys and spindles. Take some measurements of the belt at rest and then under tension (not running of course).  Then shop around..
2024/09/11 10:39:23
Good idea, I will try that, thank you
2024/09/11 13:11:46

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