Toro 309035 Won't Start
Tried to get the old Toro 2-stroke leaf blower going and it wouldn't start.
If I put gas/oil mix into spark plug hole it would start for a second and then die. Same if I sprayed WD40 into the carburetor.
I took the diaphragm pump apart and though maybe the jet was clogged. I got it unclogged with a syringe and some gas.
When I was re-assembling the old fuel line cracked. I replaced the fuel line with a slightly larger diameter fuel line.
Now I can't get it start at all, and when I take out the plug it is wet. I can see fuel in the carburetor.
Any recommendations?
Would a very slightly bigger fuel line cause this?
No OEM parts available for this model any more. I appreciate all suggestions.
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