Husqvarna YTH24K48, Foot Pedal Vibration and Grinding
Husqvarna YTH24K48, Foot Pedal Vibration and Grinding
Good day, everyone. I have an issue with my Husqvarna YTH24K48. The lawn mower is 5 years old with 124 hours on it. The only notable thing: in the Fall we use our tow-behind leaf sweeper. Yesterday the foot pedal started to pulse back at me and it made a slight grinding noise. It would not let me press down all the way. I was able to finish mowing my yard in super-slow speed as the pedal allowed me to slightly press down without issue. After the cut I used by hand-held leaf blower and blew out all the debris but that did not help. After some research I think it might be the drive belt? Does this sound right to anyone reading this? Thanks very much! Jimbo
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