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2019/11/01 23:45:39

Shindaiwa EB854

2011 Shindaiwa EB854 Backpack Blower: when hit accelerator it bogs down....
Have read about adjusting the high and/or low carburetor adjustment screws ....
Anyone fix this problem ?
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You have a Walbro WYK series carburetor. They are are adjustable but considering the age it is more likely a metering diaphragm that has stiffen. You should clean the carburetor in an ultrasonic cleaner and install a K23-WYK repair kit before attempting any adjustments.
As far as for the center rotary barrel has the idle mixture and may have an EPA plug in it. And there may be a high speed adjustment.
Idle Mixture Adjustment
  1. Remove the plastic plug directly above the inner idle needle.
  2. Using a 2.5 mm wide flathead screwdriver, turn out (CCW) the inner idle needle until the threads disengage.
  3. Turn inner idle needle clockwise 10-12 turns in very slowly. The idle RPM will increase (lean) until the peak lean idle RPM is obtained. Once this is obtained, turn inner idle needle CCW (rich) until optimum idle is obtained. Please note that carburetors and engine applications will vary therefore the neelde settings may also vary also.
  4. Adjust the idle speed screw to the correct idle RPM.
  5. Check idle, progression, and wide open throttle.
Some WYK carburetors have a high speed needle to adjust the fuel flow to the nozzle, High Speed initial adjustment is 1-1/4 turns CCW from lightly seated. This is the preset mixture and is a little rich. Please set this adjust if available to your equipment max RPM setting. Don't exceed you engine max RPM spec.
Also to easily remove the EPA plug on the idle mixture require a special tool. (2.5 mm LH threaded puller or 3 mm version if someone had tied digging out the plug)
2019/11/02 07:38:41
Thanks for the information !
-You bring up a good point considering the you think I should jut buy a new carburetor ?
  If so which a certain one better for my model ?
-Are there any diagrams that show where the inner idle needle is ?
-And which is the idle speed screw (think I know which one it is but to be certain)
Thnx again
2019/11/02 08:42:11
The inner needle is in the center of the rotary barrel. It accessed through the top center. The idle speed screw is the one the on the top near the throttle that limits the closure rotation of the rotary barrel.
From what you describe a cleaning and repair is best as a replacement Walbro WYK-322 (A02102051) is about $70 us plus shipping. The repair kit is about 8-10 usd plus shipping. As I said a good cleaning and a kit installation may be all you need without any adjustments other than a metering lever height adjustment. This because the levers are seldom right out the package.
Here is a link to the Walbro WYK service manual.
You could try one the Chinese clones but are they only fit and not necessary a performance match, Some are not even close to being right. Or even have the correct throttle cable mounting bracket.
2019/11/02 09:04:19
I replaced the fuel filter & spark plug.
...and have the K23-WYK Repair Kit.
Have removed carb and ready to replace parts from kit...
But, have you heard of these new "spiral diaphragms"...Walbro K3-WYTA..heres link:
They're supposedly great and replace the rubber diaphragms...
I'll try to contact someone at Walbro to see if works with my carb: WYK-322
2019/11/10 19:59:22
It should work as the WYK-323 uses the same repair kit.
Your carburetor not listed on the spiral cross reference but but may just have been over looked.
I have purchase one of the spiral kits here but it was mainly to get the new W-Tool so Haven't install it yet beside it is self defeating here as I am a repair shop and need the repeat business.
2019/11/11 09:55:02
yep, saw it wasnt listed with the other carbs but there is a spiral dia. that will work...i'll need to get a higher jet..
Anyway, replaced all today, it runs better but, still not getting the power it usually puts out.
Ill try cleaning or replacing...or removing the spark arrestor screen...can I just remove it or is it better to replace ?
Do you know any other things I should try to get the usual or better wind speed 
I understand your dilemma with the more reliant spiral diaphragm... 
2019/11/11 23:19:01
On the spark arrestor screen it is best for it to be in place as sparks could cause a fire hazard depending on how dry things are but many users operate equipment with them removed.
On the carb you did set the metering lever height? Plus you still may have to re-tune the carburetor too.
2019/11/12 06:17:08
The repair kit did NOT include that "W" tool...I set it to same height as the one removed...
Which did look low because I saw a video that said if you dont have the tool, use a straight edge as it should be flush with top of the body...another said flush with bottom ?
So, what is the correct height for WYK-322 ?
Regarding spark arrestor screen, havent removed, cleaned or replaced it yet will do that today...
Do I need to take engine cover off ?...its the Shindaiwa EB854
2019/11/12 08:58:30
It is flush with the metering chamber floor. Here is the service manual for the carburetor.
As for the spark arrestor it should accessible at the muffler outlet but getting to it depend on the engine cover. But according to the owners manual the cover needs removing.
2019/11/12 09:20:02
yes (looking on page 6 of the service manual) I believe its flush with the metering chamber floor (that circular area)...
but, im going to check again and maybe will bend lever up a little to contact metering diaphragm earlier to give it a richer setting.
What do you do when you retune the carb ?
2019/11/12 11:02:08
mikesWhat do you do when you retune the carb ?

Fuel mixture adjustments. Your carburetor appears to have both L and H speed mixture adjustments. How to adjust is explained in the SM (service manual).
2019/11/12 11:11:17
...yes, it says in the manual "some" of the WYK carbs have the high speed adjustment...
On the bottom of pf 4 in the manual and into pg 5...
Apparently mine doest not...spoke with guy at Walbro(Mike)...
he said my carb does not have the high speed adjustment screw...
as you told me it has the low speed screw on top of carb for idle but, thats it...
When I take carb off again ill double check and see if the high speed screw thats shown on pg 5 is hidden.....
If not there, will first try and adjust metering lever to make richer
and also will order the spiral diaphragm: K3-WYTA as well as the higher speed Jet: 112-3043-1
2019/11/12 11:51:50

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