Re: FD750D Carb Issues
2023/05/10 15:18:11
At first it was backfiring, losing power, & missing bad so, I replaced both coil packs(set my gap in accordance to KAW) & spark plugs (gapped per the manual as well). Fired back up, and the miss was gone, and the backfiring became more intermittent. So, I did a compression test (passed), and decided to remove my carb to clean it. Thoroughly cleaned the carb, all surfaces, and reinstalled. Backfiring was gone... for now. Mowed all day, no backfiring but, I had increased fuel consumption. Mowed a second time, no backfiring, increased fuel consumption. 3/4 of the way through my second cut, I stopped to re-fuel. After restarting, the backfire was back. I run only ethanol free fuel, and have a secondary filter before my fuel pump. Fuel pump & solenoid are both newish (replaced last season). All of this lead me to believe my carb is in need of an overhaul. I just ordered all the gaskets, floats, jets, etc.
^This matches what I have on my engine