Re: Scag Kawasaki Water cooled cranks no start
2023/08/14 08:08:11
As your getting fuel at the carb fuel inlet with no start, but it runs on spray, the carb itself is clogged up.
Could be varnish, could be the float needle stuck closed.
If the carb has an anti backfire solenoid on the bottom of the carb (shuts off fuel IN THE CARB, when the engine is TURNED OFF. Turn the ignition on and off and feel the solenoid. You should feel a slight clicking. If no clicking, check the 2 wire plug for 12 volts when turned on. That solenoid will varnish/get stuck closed due to old/varnished fuel...
Pulling the float bowl will give you a visual if it's working (it sucks in when powered up)