Anyone else have trouble with OEM Toro Belts breaking - we have a Newer Titan Max 76601...
Bought a "Toro Titan Max" end of the year 2022, brand new from Tractor Supply.... only used it year 2023 summer (belt broke a few weeks in, something was too tight, not sure how to explain, a round belt guide got in the way of the belt & moved, making it too tight, got tangled on the belt). If that makes any sense..... Replaced that belt, worked till THIS summer...
Husband went to grass yesterday , grass was wet, maybe a bad idea? and the belt broke again. These belts cost $100 + ... discouraged here.
Any advice about checking these belts before we mow, when NOT to mow, etc. We purposely bought this because it is supposed to be a BEAST and can cut through tall grass, we haven't even been using it LIKE THAT and belts are breaking.. Help!