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2024/06/03 17:52:13 (permalink)

Husqvarna YTH2348 - Starting after sitting for a long time

New poster here. I've enjoyed reading this forum over the years, but never made any posts, but I'm in need of some advice.

Background: A few years ago, I bought a Husqvarna YTH2348 with a Briggs engine for $500 from a guy who was moving away and needed to offload it. Right up front, he told me that it would not start without a shot of starter fluid, and that was true. It never started easily. I used the mower for grass cutting and leaf mulching for two seasons and then it just stopped starting all together. I attempted to rebuild the carb, but I could never get it to start and run again. I ran out of time an mental bandwidth to keep messing with such a fussy mower. Fast forward three years, the mower has been sitting idle, gathering dirt and rust under my deck because I just never got the energy tackle the repair.

Now, to the present day. I've decided to either get this thing running again or sell it as salvage. I pulled the hood, seat, and removed the deck and pressure washed the dirt and debris from the chassis. Then I parked it in my garage where I can spend time cleaning and digging into the motor. Yesterday, I pulled the carburetor, spark plugs (2), fuel pump, coils (2), valve covers (2), battery and starter. My plan is to work through a troubleshooting flowchart beginning with battery and working my way through the ignition system.

Engine Start Troubleshooting Flow:
1. Battery voltage: yes/no
2. Spark plugs: firing yes/no
3. Coils multimeter check: within range yes/no
4. Fuel pump pushing gas: yes/no
5. Carburetor (after getting a rebuild) sending fuel: yes/no
What else should be in my troubleshooting process? Should I remove the flywheel and sand it down? It's very rusty - see images.

Thanks in advance for any wisdom you can offer. I've seen quite a few posts on here about this particular mower, but none about bringing one back from the dead. I thought it might be an interesting thread for someone else down the line.
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Re: Husqvarna YTH2348 - Starting after sitting for a long time 2024/06/03 19:08:03 (permalink)
The V twin Briggs has been around for a long time... 
Once running, fresh oil, valve check, exterior cylinder cleaning (debris under starter cover), etc should be done...
I would dump all the fuel as it's going to be foul. Put in fresh fuel.
Put in a known good battery. Pull both plugs, connect to the coil wires and ground to each head
Crank over and look for spark.  If you have spark, move on...
The carb is likely varnished up and will need a good cleaning. You can CONFIRM fueling issues 
by squirting a shot of starting fluid / carb cleaner down the carb while cranking. 
If it lights off momentarily you know you have to address that system.
Advise what you find and we'll go from there..
I would not haphazardly throw a bunch of Flea Bay parts at it, try to stick to OEM..
And that's only when you find a failed part..
Lastly, I would not remove the flywheel.  You can easily remove surface rust from it INSTALLED.
Re-set / check the gap from the coil to flywheel using a business card, or set at .010". 
post edited by SRTsFZ6 - 2024/06/03 19:10:39

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Re: Husqvarna YTH2348 - Starting after sitting for a long time 2024/06/04 10:08:18 (permalink)
Thank you for this response. I got the carb torn down last night and it had apparently gotten full of water at some point during the time it was sitting. Tons of corrosion on all the plates - Lord only knows what debris has gotten into all of the small orifices. The corrosion was so bad I had to drill out the screws on the throttle plates to them to get them removed. At this point, I'm not sure if it would be better to keep trying to rehab the one I have or buy another one from 'flea bay' lol  and take my chances. I'll keep you posted as I move along in this process. Thanks again for your response. 
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Re: Husqvarna YTH2348 - Starting after sitting for a long time 2024/06/05 15:56:14 (permalink)
Last night, I pulled off the rest of the guards and housings around the engine block for cleaning. I also pulled the fuel tank (no easy task!) and flushed it out. There was quite a bit of gunk - even an entire leaf - not sure how that got in the fuel tank. I pressure washed and scrubbed down the engine and frame an then wiped down to get rid of excess water. . 
I'm getting ready to start putting everything back together, but I was wondering if there's something I can spray or pour into the intakes or spark plug holes to clean out internal corrosion and buildup left by water getting into there. Maybe just put a shop vac on there and try to pull out loose debris? 
Thanks -
post edited by benaford - 2024/06/05 15:57:45
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Re: Husqvarna YTH2348 - Starting after sitting for a long time 2024/06/07 20:57:05 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby benaford 2024/06/10 10:49:11
If you have an air compressor, I'd blow the machine dry/clean with that.
If no air, use a leaf blower as best as possible..
Some engine oil (couple of teaspoons) down the spark plug hole 
and the crank spun some to lube the top end would be good.
Were you able to get the carb clean or ?

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Re: Husqvarna YTH2348 - Starting after sitting for a long time 2024/06/10 10:51:12 (permalink)
I do have a compressor. I'll give that a shot, along with putting a little oil in the plug holes. I'm guessing just hand turning the engine will move that oil around enough to be of some help? 
As far as the carb, I just ordered a replacement on the internet. I'll keep the original and continue to work on it, but in the meantime, I want to get a new one on their so I can see if it'll crank. Time permitting, I should be able to get that mounted up this week and hopefully give it a go. 
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Re: Husqvarna YTH2348 - Starting after sitting for a long time 2024/06/10 11:01:15 (permalink)
Heck, you can leave the carb off, spray some starting fluid into the intake and it should kick off momentarily..
And yes, any oil movement in the combustion chamber would be good..

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