spark plug, hard start question
Kohler 14 132 11 plug in a kohler engine, toro 20377. All of a sudden, 1 pull start is now 10 pull start. After it starts, it run well. 4+ yo mower, so I suspected air filter or plug. Since there is no R in the plug number, I assume it is not a resistor plug, so my ohmmeter should show low resistance if the center electrode has continuity, like if I touched both meter probes together to get an audible beep. I hear no beep, and the ohms scale shows 7000 ohms, like a resistor plug. I assumed the plug was bad, so I got a new plug, it reads similarly at 9000 ohms. So both plugs are the same. I installed the new plug, and it is still a 10 pull start and runs fine after starting. Air filter is clean. I would appreciate advice on the hard start and thoughts on why my meter readings are not working for my understanding of small engine spark plugs.