Re: Need help finding model/year of Snowhound
2025/01/14 07:31:23
Thank you very much. This is way more useful information than I have been able to locate. I guess the serial numbers line up with the engine and not the chassis sticker? That is what was misleading me all along. I have no idea where the previous owner got the 1979 but when I saw the engine year I figured the build had to be in the 60s or early 70s.
As to the throttle cable, I figured I would not find an exact match. I have been all over parts lists for these things and they are discontinued. The one on there appears to be not original and fashioned on there to "work" (when it did). I will try soaking it in motor oil and attaching it to the adjustment side a little better than the previous person did. Now I do know why the person that sold it to me said he dropped oil in the throttle cable sleeve twice yearly. I have tons of small engines and never do this to them. But I will practice it with this one from now on.