Check the solinoid under the carberator.
There's 2 lines that go to it. One is grounded, the other is 12 volts with the key turned on and cranking.
That solenoid opens up on the bottom of the carb allowing fuel to flow. If jambed, not working, no power to it, the solenoid will not let fuel thru to the main jet.
It's supposed to prevent backfiring on shut down.
When you turn the key on, you should be able to "feel" it click/move where it sits on the carb.
It's possible you damaged one of the lines, loosened the ground for that solenoid, check those wires first..
It can be disabled if need be..
Parts diagram for your Kohler:
post edited by SRTsFZ6 - 2023/05/23 14:52:56