Husqvarna 324L String Trimmer Shuts Down At Full-throttle
Hey All,
I've been experiencing some issues with my weed-eater lately. When running at full-throttle, it eventually just shuts down (
video evidence in link below). Initially, I thought it might be a fuel-delivery issue, but I've replaced the fuel filter, and cleaned out the carb several times, and I'm still having the problem. I'm looking for some suggestions on what to trouble-shoot next. I'd love to be able to fix the issue, rather than spring for a new machine.
Some details if you're not familiar with the 324L... this is a 4-stroke engine with a separate oil tank, so no gas mixture. Also, it runs a Walbro WYB-6B carburetor (
link to the manual below as well).
Any suggestions or directions to head in would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Edit: I guess links aren't allowed, so removed them.
post edited by seanksg - 2023/05/29 07:45:46