Weird hydro problem 3100's
ZT60, new in 2019 was working fine. Used my come along attached to the front of the frame to raise the front just enough to where the rear hitch touched the ground to change the blades, all went well. Lowered her, took 10 minutes to put tools up then fired her up and noticed the control levers seemed out of line. She took a pretty hard right turn unless I moved the controls to fight it. Also noticed when i pull to reverse one lever goes back almost 2" more than the other. I thought maybe I had caught the handles on my 2x6 beam that the come along was hanging from but there was no way, it is wider than the handles can go. It does not creep in neutral. I am going to bleed the system tomorrow just in case air got in there, but it really seems to be a mechanical issue somehow. I have not adjusted the creep or neutral position settings. I have removed the drive wheels to inspect the linkages and they don't appear bent or anything, they look identical. She is going mostly straight in fwd now that I have run it some, I think I can adjust that out, it is the reverse out of whack handle position that have me worried. I'm at a loss....