Hi. I'm DN
Greetings to all professionals and DIY learners ! I'm hoping to learn and share here; Thanks to all for being here. We have a real hodge podge of lawn garden equipment in need of servicing that we can afford - DIY as much as possible. The most recent problems to solve involve a circa 1994 TroyBuilt mini tiller/cultivator, model 12001. The tines will not turn; I'm figuring that the transmission is locked up, ie., output gear jumped off the worm shaft. Next up will be working on a 48" Skag Tiger Cub - zero turn lawn machine. The tires are wearing terribly unevenly, wearing smooth the insides of the rear tires of both sides. This machine 'is' equipped with the heavy, 3 bag clipping and leaf collector system with the PTO belt driven blower. Any input on these pending issues would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much and best wishes,