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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/04 14:55:26
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/04 20:13:25
I have tried to loosen the solenoid, it wont budge. Go figure, nothing in the project has been easy
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 08:10:34
As the solenoid is under the carb, to remove it, turn it CLOKWISE (while looking DOWN AT IT). It's regular threads. .
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 09:21:46
I've read elsewhere to turn it counterclockwise. I'll try CW
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 09:52:10
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 12:22:24
Ok.. Piece of cake.. The regular end goes into the top of the choke plate (on the carb), it just hooks in to a hole. There may be several holes (don't think so), but the linkage, while pushing it, should close the choke butterfly. The "paper clip end" slips into the main governor bracket (bolted to the engine) . They'll be a slot for that end to go into... It does not go thru any other holes, slips into, etc, just slides in... The way it works is the other choke linkage (bolted to the block), when the choke is applied PUSHES the "paper clip" end thru its' slot. That in turn CLOSES the actual choke butterfly.
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 15:37:02
I got it. Now to play with the fuel solenoid
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 16:24:06
Just to be clear, the solenoid threads are regular threads, not reverse. Sooo, it the carb was on your bench, bowl facing you, turn it counter clockwise to loosen.. .
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 16:34:14
Lefty losey, righty tighty
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/05 17:39:15
New solenoid. Still wont start
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/06 07:40:55
If you have spark, spray some carb cleaner/ starting fluid down the carb throat and try to start. If it kicks off momentarily, you know it's a fueling issue. .
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 15:10:36
Its a fuel issue, pretty sure I am getting juice to the solenoid Now trying to figure out if the fuel pump is working Its hidden inside the motor, under the flywheel. Go figure Suggestions anyone?
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 16:37:23
Did you spray carb cleaner or starting fluid and did it kick??? Please answer honestly, or do it now. Your making it more difficult to diagnose. Re the fuel pump.. I don't know what your looking at but STOCK, there is no pump under the main cover and definitly NOT under the flywheel. A vacuum pump style would have one line tapped into the valve cover, the other 2 lines would go into the carb, #2 from the tank to the carb.. That unit would be bolted to the outside main cover. As for the solenoid, disconnect the harness(2 wires) and put a 12 volt probe into the harness. One line is ground, the other 12 volts when the key is in RUN POSITION AND CRANK POSITION. If no power, the solenoid will not work... Can you post a pic of what you believe is for the fuel pump? .
post edited by SRTsFZ6 - 2024/06/07 16:38:55
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 17:12:50
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 17:13:10
Pictures to follow
post edited by cac512 - 2024/06/07 17:32:52
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 17:41:26
The solenoid is getting voltage
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 20:23:15
That hose is the crankcase breather, not the fuel line. It's like a PCV drawing crankcase fumes and then burning them off as their sucked thru the carberator. The fuel line will run on the outside, or closest to you as you look at the carb. A fuel filter, if equipped will be in-line. Ok, if carb spray didn't work, check for spark, plug out of the engine, grounded to the head. Look for visible spark as you crank it over. .
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 20:27:59
I circled in blue the fuel line: If you take that line off, and crank the engine, does fuel come out??
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/07 21:45:46
I'll check the fuel line tomorrow and for spark.
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Re: I need torque specs
2024/06/08 14:37:07
Remove the fuel line before or after the filter?