The V twin Briggs has been around for a long time...
Once running, fresh oil, valve check, exterior cylinder cleaning (debris under starter cover), etc should be done...
I would dump all the fuel as it's going to be foul. Put in fresh fuel.
Put in a known good battery. Pull both plugs, connect to the coil wires and ground to each head
Crank over and look for spark. If you have spark, move on...
The carb is likely varnished up and will need a good cleaning. You can CONFIRM fueling issues
by squirting a shot of starting fluid / carb cleaner down the carb while cranking.
If it lights off momentarily you know you have to address that system.
Advise what you find and we'll go from there..
I would not haphazardly throw a bunch of Flea Bay parts at it, try to stick to OEM..
And that's only when you find a failed part..
Lastly, I would not remove the flywheel. You can easily remove surface rust from it INSTALLED.
Re-set / check the gap from the coil to flywheel using a business card, or set at .010".
post edited by SRTsFZ6 - 2024/06/03 19:10:39