Engine Backfire
Thanks ahead of time to anyone that can help me with this.
I have a Cub Cadet 1715 with a Kohler Engine Model No. MV18S.
I’m trying to figure out what is causing my mower to backfire to the point of shutting down.
Any ideas as to what to check would be appreciated.
Anyone ever have an issue like this with a 1715?
I recently had an issue with the carburetor not getting fuel.
The trouble only occurred when the engine was hot.
It would quit and not restart until the motor cooled overnight.
I rebuilt the carb and in doing so I found the fuel inlet at the carb to be clogged with dirt.
After the carb rebuild, everything was working great for a couple of weeks when it would shut down after getting hot.
I thought that maybe it was the coil or the plugs.
I had no backfire issue at this point.
I replaced the coil and plugs.
I still had the issue with the engine shutting down after getting hot.
Now, I can start the mower up when cool.
Runs great for about 5 minutes of cutting and then starts backfiring really bad.
I’m stumped.
Parts Replaced thus far…
Fuel Filter
Air filter
Fresh Fuel
Carburetor Rebuild Kit
Gas Cap
Two Years ago I kept blowing battery fuse.
Issue was a shorted out stator.
Parts replaced…
Ignition Switch