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To buy or not to buy
I am thinking about buying a zero turn CC model RZT-L46 FAB (17AGCACN010). That one has the Honda engine GXV630. I don't know anything about CC or this lawn mower. My mowers in the past have been Craftsman and Ariens. $300 asking price seems to be a good deal. Seller says it needs a starter and engine is not running, but turns by hand. It's about a 100 miles away so I have not gone out to see the mower yet. Can you guys give me some tips what to look out for, what to check and what questions to ask about this particular model, its known weak spots and trouble areas and its good points. I really appreciate your input on this. Thanks.
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/08/10 13:43:24
$300 is cheap for ANY zero turn mower.... For the deck, try to loosen the belt and check idlers, spindles and belt for their condition. The engine is the big thing... For just a bad starter, folks won't sell a $1,000 + machine for a bad $100 starter. Sooo, I would be very cautious about the engine. W/O being able to crank it over normally limits what you can check. Pull the spark plugs, inspect for oily deposits, excess carbon, etc. Check the engine oil, is it filthy, low, etc If you can, run a pretty heavy line(wire) from the positive terminal on the battery to the starter lug. See if it spins over, just clicks, etc. If it just clicks, battery may be low or the starter bad. If it spins over, you know the starter isn't bad, there's other issues. Look into and smell the fuel tank. If the fuel is bad, you can usually see/ smell it... How long it's been sitting, last run, etc.... Good luck.
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/08/10 14:14:44
I did ask the seller on the phone about the deck and the transmissions, which are really the other 2 areas which can really get expensive. He said both transmissions are good and so is the deck. I will wait until next weekend. If it is still available then I will give him another call and asked the questions you suggested. The mower is not local and I will have to do some traveling, so I try to get as much info as i can before I make the trip. I was hoping to get more info about known, inherent gotchas and recurring failures associated with that series and model, especially with the Honda engine which, from what i understand, is not the engine normally used by Cub Cadet. Maybe that's a good thing, maybe it's bad ??? I would love to hear from someone who actually owns one of those and knows all the good and the bad about it. Yeap, SRT, you are right about the price, very attractive and tempting to just buy it and hope for the best.
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/08/10 17:08:59
I'm not familiar with that specific model. I work on most everything and figure things out. Using the parts diagram is a big help. I'd do a search on that brand and find a forum specific to it... Myself and Mike (the moderator) are about the only ones responding to questions... Please post back how it goes.... .
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/08/24 13:56:27
Well, last Sunday I drove the 200 miles to see the mower and I bought it for $250 while keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. The seller was a senior gentleman who seemed to be honest and sincere. He answered all my questions in a way that made sense without raising a red flag, except for one, the one about the starter. The mower has not been running for almost a year. Everything was just fine until it quit, he said. No issues with the hydros, the deck or engine. But then the starter went bad. For almost a year, he said, he has been trying to find a starter for this GXV630 Honda engine and was unable to find one. Now that is hard to believe and I don't know what's up with that. I googled it to find one and they popped up like pretty girls on the beach. I don't know what he is talking about, but I am sure I will find out when I get to it. The fan covers are missing, they jerryrigged an electric fuel pump to the engine and who knows what other dumb things he did, but that is the challenge and I will find out as I go through it all with a fine toothed comb. After I got back home I gave it a good cleaning and I must say I am very happy with what I got for $250. With only 250 hours on the meter it almost looks new. All original paint, no flaking or rust anywhere and if nobody ever opened the engine and messed with it, it should be ok too. The seat is kinda weathered and I noticed that the right front caster swivel bracket is severely binding sort. Probably one or both ball bearing are shot, not a big deal to replace. Other then that I got my project for the winter cut out and I am all excited about it. Hopefully no money pit or unpleasant surprises but when I get done with it, it should be like a like new ZT worth a good $2000.
post edited by ueww40 - 2024/08/24 14:00:00
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/08/26 21:49:32
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/01 11:45:38
I started the restoration process of my newly aquired project and I am in desperate need of a good electrical wiring diagram for that particular mower. It is a 2017 17AGCACN056 or RZT-L46 (Honda engine). I found a few, but they are very hard to make out. Thanks
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/01 13:23:07
I don't have access to that... :(
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/02 17:00:24
 Does anybody know what lines go to where on this fuel pump. Since the previous owner messed around and put an electric fuel pump on the mower I want to put it back to the factory way
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/02 17:53:25
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/09 10:20:02
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/09 12:11:13
Your ^^ post didn't , so..: Why does the fuel pump for a Honda GXV630RH has 4 legs of which one is a purge line. What does the purge line do? Btw. Scott I found out where all the fuel lines go but I have a few more questions. There is what seems to be a oil pressure sensor or switch on the right side of the engine (see pic) but it doesn't have a wire on it and I don't see any loose wires hanging around anywhere. The other one is, there is a line coming from the carburetor (#30 on the picture). Where does it go? The disconnected low oi switch being disconnected won't hurt anything.. Just always make sure the the oil is full.. The wire going to the carb (is it a 2 wire with a small plug), is there a solenoid attached to the bottom of the carb? .
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/09 15:33:24
Yes, there is a solenoid at the bottom of that carburetor but the line I am talking about is not electrical. The #30 line in the diagram that is going to or coming from the carburetor is connected somewhere or maybe not. Mine is about a foot long and just hanging there in the engine compartment. And I am pretty sure that's not correct. I assume it could be a vacuum line, vent line, return line or ???? About the oil switch, I know, maintain proper oil level and the switch is irrelevant. Just curious. It looks like there has never been a wire connected to it. If I could just get my hands on a good electrical schematic for my particular model and year.
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/09 19:07:48
There's no picture showing #30.. I would follow that wire (pull off the cover) and see where it goes. You don't know how many folks messed with the machine and not necessarily for the good. Did you look on-line for a shop manual for the machine? .
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/10 09:51:55
Post #10 shows the carburetor diagram and in there it shows the number 30 pointing to a line which goes to the carburetor. The question is where does the other end connect to. Yes I did try to find a shop manual but all i could find are service and owners manuals. I looked at them carefully but couldn't find what i was looking for. I discovered Cub Cadet and Honda to be very poor when it comes to support their products. But I am making progress. The more I dig the more things open up
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/10 13:55:03
☄ Helpfulby SRTsFZ6 2024/09/10 17:55:51
Scott, I found a great shop manual and I found the answers to my questions. That hose 30 coming from the carburetor is nothing more than a drain hose. The nearly 2 feet of it just hang there open ended pointing to the ground under the engine and allows you to drain the carburetor before removing it and the oil pressure sensor has no wire connected to it, believe it or not.
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/10 17:57:28
Did you ever figure out what that 4th line was for the fuel pump?
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/11 10:54:35
SRTsFZ6 Did you ever figure out what that 4th line was for the fuel pump?
Yes. it's a purge line. What exactly it purges i don't know, but it goes to a nipple on the air filter box. Probably some CA EPA crap
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2024/09/11 15:44:08
Yep, agreed... I would try and get the oil pressure switch working.. It's a big enough engine it has an oil and thus oil pressure... And thanks for the update
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Re: To buy or not to buy
2025/01/05 11:51:11
Well here it is, ladies and gentlemen. My beautiful, practically restored 2017 RZT Mower, running like on day one. I got it for $250 and spent another $435 in parts to get it all in shape, mostly cleaning it up thoroughly, checking everything out and putting it back to factory specs. Most of the parts money went to replacing all the missing shroud covers, which I had to buy new from Honda. I couldn't find anything on ebay. So what was so terribly wrong with it that the previous owner threw in the towel. Poor guy, no matter what he tried, the mower was dead and stayed dead for a good reason. It had a bad ignition module and a frozen starter. After I replaced the starter it still was dead. The next step was the ignition module which did not pass the test. After replacing it, the engine cranked and I knew then, that the problem was licked. Everything after that was easy putting this jewel in the rough back together. This project is finished and ready to be put into action come spring time. Thanks for all you help, ideas and suggestions. Attached are some pictures and a video. Nix the video. The forum appearently does not allow .mov files, sorry
post edited by ueww40 - 2025/01/05 11:59:05
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