Re: BS 375hp Throttle shaft spring control not working
2024/08/21 18:42:44
Your pic shows everything installed correctly.
You don't have a separate tab (which is used on generators and some pressure washers) which holds a constant 3,600 RPMs. You'll have one or the other, not both..
The linkage part that pulls on the spring adjusts the RPMs.
The tighter the tension, the faster the RPMs.
Between the spring tension and the air flow over the "governor" (under the cover air flow pushes against
the "flap") that's what sets the RPMs.
Again, when you adjust your moveable throttle, to TIGHTEN THE SPRING tension, the faster the engine RPMs...
That engine does not have any governor INSIDE the engine crankcase pushing on a lever...
A very simple and effective set up..
Lastly, if you had JUST the TAB, and no moveable throttle, bending the tab, in a direction to put
more tension on the spring, will raise the RPMs...