Honda HSS724, Stalling :(
Hi All.
I bought a second-hand Honda last Fall. A 2015 HSS724. It ran perfectly last winter and I am very pleased with its performance.
Unfortunately I didn't follow correct procedure when storing it for summer and I have now got some issues that I am hoping some clever folk here may be able to help me with. I have obviously learnt the hard way and will be religious in how I maintain it from now on!
Before I did anything (2 days ago), I got the blower out of the shed and it started after a few pulls with the choke on.
Taking the choke off, it idled briefly and then stalled. This has essentially been the same ever since.
However, I have now removed the carburetor and sprayed it all through with cleaner. I removed the jet and the piece above it and made sure ALL holes were clear. There was no sign of sediment or gunk. I also removed the black plastic piece below and cleaned. The whole carburetor (my first to remove/clean) looked really great anyway.
I fired up the blower again, same issue.
I removed and replaced the spark plug which did actually have a lot of carbon build up (probably from me keeping the choke open recently in the hope it would get it going). Alas, the new plug has not helped.
I then drained the old gas as a friend mentioned it was probably bad gas. He said that if the engine was working with the choke open then there was most likely an issue there. New marked premium has also not helped.
Is there an in line filter that might be gummed up that I can't see?
This is where I'm currently at and would appreciate any advice possible.
Many thanks