Kohler KT735 on a Cub Cadet ZTX4 60 - Issue with it not starting
I've had this Cub Cadet since 2020 and only put about 100 hours on it. Today it randomly acted up. I usually have to turn it over about 5 times before it fires up. Will about the fifth time it turned over, it made a weird noise i've never heard. Like it tried to fire but didn't, and then nothing after that. it'll turn over but won't fire. I'm pretty mechanically inclined and checked fuel air and gas. Its getting all 3 of these. Spark is good, its getting fuel and i even shot some starting fluid in through the airbox, and no fire at all. When I did that, it would turn over and about the 4th time it would either backfire really loud or stop like it was locking up.
I checked the compression on both cyclinders and i'm getting 160 at both.
I'm currently at a loss and not sure what to check next or what to do next. Any ideas?