Re: Engine Knocks after changing to electronic ignition
2024/11/25 15:34:30
Timing wouldn't cause any loud/major knocking.
Can you disconnect the engine from the machine (IE belt/gear, etc)?
We need to isolate and make sure it's coming from the engine and not the rest
of the machine..
Also, if the noise proven to be from the engine, pull the plug and try rocking, in different
positions, the flywheel. Your trying to hear / feel any noises or looseness from inside the engine.
With just a coil swap, then all of the sudden major knocking, I doubt there's any damage inside
as it ran fine with the other coil. Perhaps a dropped bolt, nut, loose shroud is smacking something..
But the noise is more of a hard knock than scraping?
I would, depending on what you find, drain the oil into a clean container.
Look closely for any metal flakes (fine size, large, any), which should not be in there.
If you find some, there's something internally going on...