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California Considers Banning Gas Powered Mowers

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2020/01/18 15:27:00 (permalink)

California Considers Banning Gas Powered Mowers
post edited by Mikel1 - 2020/01/18 15:28:41

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    Re: California Considers Banning Gas Powered Mowers 2020/01/18 20:22:45 (permalink)
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    I heard that. Have the downtown apartment dwellers considered the power required to charge all those electric tools? Then how will they dispose of all the batteries? Send them to Nevada? There is no free lunch.
    Grumpys Designs
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    Re: California Considers Banning Gas Powered Mowers 2022/12/28 03:23:01 (permalink)
    3 (1)
    Finally someone that see's the writing on the walls.. 
    WHAT re they going to do with all those dead batteries??  I've been asking that for a few years now and no one can come up with an answer.
    I can walk out into my shop right now and probably bring in at least a dozen batteries from my old Craftsman cordless tools..  All dead.. Even those I've had in chargers until I need them.. dead.. 
    If you can find the batteries insice the battery holder themselves, you can replace the dead batteries and get a few more years use out of them.. Fun thing is trying to find the batteries inside those cases on your tools..
    I've stuck with pretty much Craftsman tools on my cordless tools and thankfully, you can still get Craftsman replacement tools from Lowes..  But, the batteries aren't 19.2V anymore, nor will your old batteries fit into a new drill or whatever you need.. and it's the same way with the newer batteries being used in your old faithful drills and other tools.. 
    Wait until all those cars and trucks running up and down California roads start pooping out dead batteries..  Then, will there still be new batteries that will work in your older electric vehicle or will they all be changing to bigger and better??
    Ohh, and what are the people in California going to do with all those gas run vehicles and lawn equipment??
    I GUARANTEE they'll put some kind of insane tax on the batteries when you go to dispose of them.
    True story:  I was working on a large engineering project down in California a few years ago and decided to buy a motorcycle so I could ride that back and forth to work.  SO I bought one, rode it back to my RV, couple of days later I went to the DMV figuring I needed to get it registered and all that.. Well, here comes the surprise... My taxes were 3 times what I thought they would be for the registration!!  I asked the lady at the DMV "What's the deal??"  She said "This motorcycle has been sittin for 3 years and not being registered..    Isaid "OK.."  She said the additional amount was for the 3 years of back taxes..
    Yep, you can BET they'll be taxing all those dead batteries and the gas cars they won't let run on the roads down there anymore.. 

    There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them..
    Words to live by from Jim Croce
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