The solenoid attached to the bottom of the carb ONLY opens/retracts with the key switch ON & while cranking. Turning the key off and on, you should be able to feel and hear that solenoid activating.
Please clarify not getting fuel.. No fuel flow out of the tank, fuel line, pump or just thinking no fuel inside the carberator?
Cranking the engine over, with the fuel line FROM THE PUMP to the carb disconnected, SHOULD PUMP fuel from it..
Spraying a spritz of starting fluid into the carb and cranking should confirm if your getting fuel or not. The engine will run momentarily.
For those bolts that like to loosen up, clean threads with brake cleaner, then use RED LOCTITE. That should keep them from loosening up again..
Lastly, that solenoid sticks closed (no fuel flow) when left to sit with todays crappy fuel. It can often be repaired by simply putting some penetrating oil into the pintail (SP?) and working it in and out. I'll cut the pintail off altogether if it's jambed up, or an electrical issue with no power to it. Just idle down the engine , let cool down some, before turning off the ignition.