2023/07/28 08:28:48
the fuel in tank has a good flow of fuel from the tank to the fuel filter (new filter) and that is as far as it goes? Ive took the rest of the fuel lines one at a time off to see if fuel was coming out and its not.. fuel going thru the 1st hose to fuel filter only ? I've blew all the fuel lines out, one by one, blew air in the line that the fuel does come thru and looked in the tank and air is blowing thru the tank hole.. I've never heard the starter solenoid click as long as I have had it BUT if it were to be bad would that cause fuel not to flow thru the lines? When I turn the key I hear the fuel solenoid click.. carburetor is dry as a bone as I have said my engine was completely off and hasnt been started since last sept.  I also put new fuel in tank as I had the tank off.. so it has new fuel.. Not sure what a pintail is but I tested the starter solenoid with test light it lite up but I just stuck it in there probably needed to check more than just one thing it touched.. I will say when I was taking everything off the wires that go to the starter and everything else connected such as alternator starter not sure what else but the battery was still hooked up and it sparked around that area, could I have shorted out something?? I then disconnected the battery .. new spark plug. thank you for responding I hope this is clear and to the point of what I need.. thank you
2023/07/28 21:07:46
The carb solenoid ONLY stops/allows fuel INSIDE the carb where it seals up the main jet.
Re fuel, if fuel comes out of the tank, the tank is apparently clear. Wherever it stops flowing, say the filter, the filter is clogged.  You have to follow the clues.  
Sounds like the carb solenoid is fine as your hearing it / feeling it with the on/off of the ignition.
Re accidental sparks.  Does the engine spin over like it should when turning the key?   
2023/07/29 19:36:35
Thank you for responding:
yes the engine wants to start it turns over just like always.. I put a new fuel filter on cause I thought the old one might be the reason fuel wasn't reaching, it is not a Kohler I got it at walmart. I can't figure it out .. if my throttle isn't hooked up right would that cause no fuel issue.. I sure wished I could figure this out.. Ive done everything I know to do..
2023/07/31 08:45:36
You could remove all the linkages and if the fuel system is working normally, the engine will run....
Where exactly does the fuel stop flowing?
You should have fuel flow to the fuel pump.  After that, the pump uses "pulses" from the crankcase to pump up to the carberator.
2023/07/31 14:46:25
the fuel stops after the 1st line, fuel comes from tank to 1st fuel line great, then it doesn't go up to the (new) fuel filter. fuel flows great out the 1st line then stops, is there some kind of vaccum that pulls it up, cause it starts uphill there ? I'm trying to take the starter solenoid off, it is so hard to get to its under the frame under the seat. I noticed the starter stayed up on the fly wheel cause I tried turning the fly wheel and it wouldn't turn, so starter I thought was suppose to go back down after the key was in off position.. I'm so stumped
2023/07/31 20:28:06
The fuel pump should suck fuel, so that may be bad. Their not terribly expensive and operate using vacuum pulses from the crankcase.  You'd have a line IN, a line out(to the carb) and another hose going to the crankcase for the pump.
I suspect your battery may be low so the starter pawl is sticking.  Just spray some (a little) penetrant on the shaft / gear where it goes up and down.  Don't pull the starter, it's not necessary..
2023/08/01 18:13:58
ok thank you i have replaced a fuel pump before so it is easy to do , so the pump pulls the fuel up to the fuel filter then on to pump, then to carb , I will try than next the fuel pump, I thank yall for being so patient with me but I've come this far and I would give anything just to know it will crank, oh by the way I got a new battery , shouldnt have because my battery test good but I thought wth.. I don't try no more than a couple of time to crank , I figure if it is going to crank it would, its trying to... I bet I have the cleanest crankcase than anyone lol, I said it I worked on ppls mower I would have to get all the old oil off someone said well you wouldn't make nothing doing that .. can't help it, I want mine clean, suppose to run better..thanks again
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