• Toro Forum
  • Anyone else have trouble with OEM Toro Belts breaking - we have a Newer Titan Max 76601...
2024/05/10 09:59:54
Bought a "Toro Titan Max" end of the year 2022, brand new from Tractor Supply.... only used it year 2023 summer (belt broke a few weeks in, something was too tight, not sure how to explain, a round belt guide got in the way of the belt & moved, making it too tight, got tangled on the belt). If that makes any sense..... Replaced that belt, worked till THIS summer...
Husband went to  grass yesterday , grass was wet, maybe a bad idea?  and the belt broke again.   These belts cost $100 + ... discouraged here. 
Any advice about checking these belts before we mow, when NOT to mow, etc.  We purposely bought this because it is supposed to be a BEAST and can cut through tall grass, we haven't even been using it LIKE THAT and belts are breaking..  Help!
2024/05/10 17:10:17
Check the routing of the belt with the deck lowered for now.
Engine off, belt tight...
Make sure the routing is correct and the belt isn't rubbing on the wrong side of a guide.
It may not be noticeable with no slack, but taught. it'll show..
2024/05/27 22:38:51
check out vbelts for less. much cheaper! what I did on my toro mower deck was build a tensioner on it I welded it on . Before that the belts would streach and start slipping. At $60 bucks a belt I couldn’t<t afford it. Now they last for ever. It was nothing more than a 1 inch piece of angle with a hole drilled through it. Then I got a long 1/4 bolt put it through and welded a washer on the end. I hooked the spring to the washer and tightened it down works great!
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