• Craftsman Forum
  • Craftsman 917377690 lawnmower starts but then dies after primer fuel used up
2024/05/10 22:36:28
I've tried all I can think of, but the mower always shuts down once the primer pumps of gas are used up.
  • There's new gas in the tank.
  • There's gas in the bowl of the carb and gas flows freely if I take the bowl plug out.
  • I've taken the carb apart, cleaned it, and blown air through all the holes.
  • Cleaned the needle and needle hole(?). Float works fine.
  • Everything is tightened down, don't see any way that air could be getting in behind the carb and diluting the air mixture (as suggested in youtube videos).
  • Nothing impeding the blade from turning.
Thanks for any suggestions.
2024/05/11 09:44:23
Can you post the HP, Make and model # of the ENGINE ITSELF.
That's where the issue is..
2024/05/11 13:07:33
6.75 hp Eager1
engine model: 143006706
engine family: YTPXS.2071BA
Ah, I find now that the engine is likey a Tecumseh?
2024/05/11 17:23:22
Ok, it is a Tecumseh with a float bowl
Main engine:
Carb pic: 
The main carb pic apart.:
Something is still not clear in the carb.  Re-clean, ESPECIALLY parts #36 and #40
2024/05/19 22:05:52
The problem was water in the gas tank.
But your post was very helpful as it gave me the real motor and real part number for the carb, which was then cheap to replace. Which I didn't need but can't hurt.
Runs fine now.
Thanks for your help.
2024/05/20 07:37:05
Your welcome!!
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