2024/05/28 17:25:53
Looking for help diagnosing the sound that my Honda HRR2168VYC makes when I begin to move forward and mow medium thickness grass.
Here's the link to watch/hear it - youtube.com/shorts/ewE_iigpgiU?feature=share
Any ideas?
Many thanks!
2024/05/28 22:04:06
No links posted...
2024/05/29 11:50:38
I'll try this again - youtube.com/shorts/ewE_iigpgiU?feature=share
2024/05/29 15:16:19
It almost sounds like the rear wheels (plastic gears) are slipping when engaged.
I don't think I heard it making the noise when stopped but running...
If above is true, there's one bolt holding on each rear wheel.  I'd pop them off and take a look.
The plastic "wheel gear" is driven by a small steel gear..  You can also, engine off, rear wheels off the ground, try turning the rear wheels by hand.  You should not be able to un-less the wheels are wore out...
.Please advise what you find..
2024/05/29 15:19:07
You do have the simple transmission on that machine vs the "hydraulic pump" model (super expensive and non re-buildable.
Also, if need be, remove the blade and the cover that protects the drive belt..  If the issue isn't in the wheels, it most likely will be in that area(something worn/knocking about)
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