• Toro Forum
  • TORO Z597D 72 inch cut, Briggs Diesel
2024/06/28 20:14:22
Hi All,   Have a no start condition.  No power getting to the starter relay.  All relays tested. (4).  Handle and seat interlock switches test fine. Ignition switch failed on the X and Y spades which relate to that seat delay module and overall starting of the engine. Ive replaced the ignition switch. 
I think Ive narrowed it down to the seat delay module unit which interconnects with other interlock switches and possibly glowplugs.  I have a circuit diagram but don't have the understanding of a few things there. 
Anyway it doesnt get power to the starter.  Ive done the volt meter tests given and the only fail is the 1 to 3 secs delay part of the module does not work.  Delay module shuts down immediately after turning key off where voltage should be seen for a couple secs. 
Question:  Does anyone have the know how of how to take that seat delay module unit out of the circuit so engine will run and hopefully other interlocks work?  
2024/06/29 09:25:25
Probably different, but my Briggs, 42" Toro Zero turn, I disabled the seat switch, (only 2 wires)
by installing a jumper in place of the seat switch...
2024/06/29 22:28:58
Thanks SRT,  The mower seat switch has been disconnected and the wire connector jumpered.  i found the mower like that ,  tested jumper wire spade to spade an it has no resistance so is good. 
It seems the only item left in the interlock and starting circuit is that seat delay module. As the seat isnt being used as a safety option I thought the seat delay module is just an extention of that not being used,  but oh no......
It works to open the circuit on the brake, motion levers, and possibly glowplugs,  So with these things compromised including power to the starter relay Im up the creek.  Buy a new one i hear you say.....Im waiting for it in the mail. See if i get any joy out of replacing it.   Its seems to be like a logic module that does a few things to close the engine off and in my case give a no power to starter condition.  Tested the clutch switch and it is fine. All other interlock switches and levers are fine. 
interesting the ign switch spades X and Y relate to that seat module and did the module take the ign switch out. VOM test showed it to be dead on those spades. Or did the ign switch take the module out?  
2024/06/30 08:11:16
Tks for the update.  Please post back how it goes.  Seems you have a good grasp on things.
2024/07/01 21:03:10
Yep will do.  ive got quite a wait for the spare part,  TORO Oz doesnt have it in stock anywhere in the country as Im told.  i would expect 3 to 4 months if my last order is anything to go by.
That said, fleebay and scamazon have them and claim good for the Z597D,  so i expect 3 to 8 weeks usually somewhere in between. Probably should have tried the scamzon as their postage is way better. i will keep you up to date with it.  
2024/07/13 22:28:53
Gday  for those interested, Fitted the seat delay unit,  the power is back to starter.  $52 AUD delivered. Came in about 2 weeks which is fast using the std free speedpost or speedpak ,  whatever its called.  Changed out the module and ign switch which got a good result.  
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