2024/08/28 14:29:26
You pulled the long, thin emulsion tube (that's under the main jet) correct?
I'm not a fan of the aftermarket Chinese knock off carbs but yours IS a
Chonda (Chinese knock off Honda engine).  
I looked but couldn't find the carb listing as you posted.. 
I'm sure it would be fine.  
The all in one kit for $22 is likely not a genuine Simpson part.  You get what you pay for and all those parts are likely not going to last...  If you can find a genuine Simpson carb (if what your looking at isn't), I would look for that...
Re the Honda carb... That very likely would fit and not give you any issues-It's just going to be manufactured better and last longer...
Good luck and please post back how it goes..
2024/08/28 18:11:38
Yep.  I went over that emulsion tube with a fine tooth comb.  I'll post back here the progress of this repair.  
2024/09/06 17:24:17
Hi, Scott Et al:
Well, I am dumbfounded.  I got the new carb in there today.  Had to pull the throttle shaft out and drill a small hole in the plastic travel limiter on top of the throttle shaft for the little throttle return spring, which the new carb didn't come with.  Installed the spring on the new one and it works the same as it did on the old one.   Other than that, it all fit perfectly.
Started on the first pull at half throttle, and runs almost exactly as terrible as the old one.  The one screw adjustment it has that the other didn't, (Idle mix, I suspect) doesn't do much, but I didn't fool with it very long as I didn't have water hooked up, and it isn't going to fix the problem anyhow.  It will almost idle normally.  I can advance the throttle to about 1/2, where it sputters and surges constantly.  Advance the throttle a bit more and it is like you turned off the switch.  Drops dead on the spot.  
The kit came with that little module that connects to the low oil shutdown, so I put that on there.  No help.  Unhooked the on/off switch completely.  No help.   On a lark I put the new spark plug in there.  Again, no help.
Could I be looking at a bad ignition coil?
Other than that,  I'm out of ideas.  I'd have bet 100 bucks that carb would fix it.  
Hope one of you guys has an inspiration...
2024/09/06 17:40:39
Hi, All:
I couldn't find a Simpson branded coil advertised anywhere.  I found a coil that sure looks right.  Doesn't list Simpson, but does list the 208cc predator, several Honda engines and many others.  12 bucks and I needed a couple bearings that were on Amazon as well, so with combined shipping I'm getting the coil for free.  I'll post here what I find.  I would still appreciate any thoughts.
2024/09/06 19:54:27
Hummm...  As it seems you ruled out the carb (been thru everything) time to look at ignition.
Did you pull the spark plug, ground to the head and check for spark?
Just for S & G's, You might pull the flywheel and make sure the key isn't sheared or partially sheared.
That could allow to run crappy.  
2024/09/07 08:31:54
Hi, Scott:
I did check the spark.  I mentioned that in the first post.  Of course there is some kind of spark, or it wouldn't start.  That said, that is only at cranking speed.  I guess if I had one of those old Sun Machines, I could watch it on the screen as I advance the throttle.  I've seen several various intermittent ignition coil symptoms over the years, but not one like this.  I'm wondering if the spark gets hotter as the engine spins faster, and the coil shorts out at those higher voltages.  I've also heard that a weak spark can blow out at higher RPMs.  I think it is odd that, as I advance the throttle a little at a time, it reaches a  point where it is literally like you shut off the ignition.  No stuttering or sputtering.  Just OFF!  That has to be a significant symptom, but I don't know what it is.  
Concerning the flywheel key, while I have the cover off, if it doesn't fight me too hard, I might try to pull that flywheel.  That said, it's a pressure washer.  Not like a lawn mower where you hit a rock or a  piece of steel and stop the shaft instantly.  Hard to imagine what would happen to make that flywheel slip.  Also, the thing was running perfectly the first time I used it.  The second time, I have these strange symptoms.  I can't see what would happen to the flywheel while it was stored.
Hopefully the replacement ignition coil will be the right one and I'll learn something.  I'll post what I find here.
Thanks for sticking with me, and all your helpful suggestions.
2024/09/07 12:49:54
I just finished repairing a customers Ryobi2200 "suitcase" generator. 
Checked (pulled the carb) the carb, nice and clean...
It would fire off on the first pull, then nothing.  Looking at it and the limited parts
list, I was looking for a low oil cut off switch.  I never found it on the machine or parts list.
That switch (you likely know) when working correctly (low oil level) will kill spark
after the first revolution or two.  Changed the nasty oil and then put an in-line spark tester
Sure enough, started, sparked a touch and then no spark (VERY obvious)... An electrical issue.
Lots of wires obviously.  Un-plugged a 2 wire connected right out in the open.
Cranked it up, ran /runs like a top!   I tried to follow the wires, they went into the main
generator electrical box...  Everything works, (auto throttle).   
I suspect a low oil switch, but,, it runs with no mods, just on plug un-plugged..
2024/09/07 12:55:17
This is the tester I used (I have the fancier one too-adjustable).
If you don't have one, get one their cheap and work great. 
Get the machine running, even crappy but look for a steady spark..
As bad as it runs, it should show itself...
I've seen coils just flat out quit, some get hot and then you loose spark.
I've also had spark "leak" from the boot (it was worn away on the top) and 
cause issues with the spark grounding out past the porcelain ...

2024/09/07 13:02:06
Also, I'd dump ANY SUSPECT fuel and put known good fuel in there.
No additives at this point.
2024/09/07 15:28:23
Hi, Scott:
Well, I have one of those little spark testers you sent the picture of.  Darn.  I've had it for at least 15 years and don't know if I ever used it.  That said, I've ordered the coil.  When it gets here, I'll  put it in there.
Have you ever heard of DeOxit?  After your experience with that Ryobi, I would have sprayed both sides of that plug with the stuff.
I'll let you know what transpires with the coil.
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