I just finished repairing a customers Ryobi2200 "suitcase" generator.
Checked (pulled the carb) the carb, nice and clean...
It would fire off on the first pull, then nothing. Looking at it and the limited parts
list, I was looking for a
low oil cut off switch. I never found it on the machine or parts list.
That switch (you likely know) when working correctly (low oil level) will kill spark
after the first revolution or two. Changed the nasty oil and then put an in-line spark tester
Sure enough, started, sparked a touch and then no spark (VERY obvious)... An electrical issue.
Lots of wires obviously. Un-plugged a 2 wire connected right out in the open.
Cranked it up, ran /runs like a top! I tried to follow the wires, they went into the main
generator electrical box... Everything works, (auto throttle).
I suspect a low oil switch, but,, it runs with no mods, just on plug un-plugged..