2024/10/02 15:46:17
Hi all. New here. I appreciate that this group exists. I need some help. I have a Honda gvc160 that won't start. Spark plug good, ignition coil producing power, no air restrictions so I believe it is fuel related. When I spray fresh fuel directly in the carb it turns over for a second or two. I cleaned the carb, checked fuel lines and filter. Didn't start. I cleaned the gas tank, the gas lines, removed the fuel filter and replaced the carb. Still the same result. This model has an auto chock and auto throttle. Any ideas?
2024/10/03 07:03:47
Is this a generator?
I believe that machine has a fuel pump.  So starting dead cold (or dry) may take a couple of pulls.
You want to always start with the auto idle OFF. Once started you can activate it.
There should also be a carb drain attached to the float bowl- They'll also be a clear hose attached to it to drain away from the machine...    Loosen that screw and see if any fuel comes out of the carb.
Report back..
2024/10/03 13:27:07
Thanks Scott.  This is a lawnmower.  No fuel pump and the bowl has fuel in it.  How do you turn off auto idle if it is automatic?  
2024/10/04 08:29:05
Auto idle is for generators only.  You machine has a pre-set throttle RPM, and possibly a manual choke.
Spray a spritz of carb cleaner down the throttle bore and try starting.  If it kicks, you know it's 
in the fuel system (very likely).
Did you pull both jets out of the bottom of the carb and clean?  This is SUPER important 
This video will give you an idea what your looking at:
2024/10/04 13:46:06
Thanks Scott.  I have an auto choke.  When I pulled the carb it was very clean but cleaned it anyway.  Still didn't work so I installed a new carb.  Going to check compression today if I get time.
2024/10/04 17:02:09
I would stick with the OEM carb if possible.
Aftermarket carbs are generally not nearly as good as the OEM and may
have issues even being brand new.
The jet underneath the main jet also has to be removed (just pushes out) and cleaned.
Did you try the spritz of starting fluid to see if it would light off?
2024/10/04 21:41:53
Finally got is started.  Don't really know why but primed the carb quite a bit and kept at it.  Also I connected the blade.  Sometimes these mowers won't start without them.
Thanks for all your help
2024/10/05 07:16:22
Sounds like some crap got stuck somewhere and the priming/start up cleared it out..
Happy mowing!
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