Have a Husqvarna Z48F with a KT745 motor. Recently it started running oddly as if it had a fuel problem. Would act like it was under load and not making full power. Let it sit for a minute and it would surge and pop and then run normally again. Start mowing and randomly repeat the condition.
Took the carb off expecting possible crud in the bowl, but was clean. Checked the fuel lines and fuel pump hose to the valve cover and that's all ok. Then I noticed the ground wires to the coils had worn insulation and some broken strands as if something was rubbing on them. The only thing that can rub on them would be the top cover, but I don't see any abrasion markings on the cover. Mystery to me, but wondering if anyone has seen something similar. The wires aren't broken and since they're grounds it looks like there's still enough there to let the thing operate, but trying to figure out what could have rubbed on them. Has to be the cover though because this is the only thing that comes close to them and they're in a vulnerable location running across the top of the manifold. This shouldn't cause the problem I'm having though since these wires are to ground out the coils to kill the motor, but just curious.