2024/12/08 16:41:22
I have a B S model 44n6770045g1mm0024. Starting when cold requires manually lifting up on the linkage rod going to the choke. This unit has a throttle lever that when pushed beyond full speed operates the choke. When pushing the throttle to the choke position it has no effect on closing the choke. The rod that pushes the choke pivot is connected to a horizontal lever that pivots, but opposing end is not attached to anything. I cannot figure how this choke is to function.
2024/12/08 17:14:51
Part # 216 is the choke rod I believe your referring to..
It very likely goes into the "control bracket, part #222.
Part #212 is a retainer clip that likely holds #216 to the control bracket.
All I have is a parts diagram to go off of, but look at the bracket control (a small hole in it),
either pushing up or pushing down to activate the choke.  
216 (the 90 degree bend) would go into that hole  but you'll need the retainer as well. 
Plz post back how it goes..
2024/12/08 22:21:56
Hi Scott, I have a been looking at those same diagrams. In diagram 222, there is a bracket sticking up at 10 O'clock. That hole at the end is where rod 216 hooks into. That bracket, sticking up at 10 o'clock in 222, has a pivot point, but on the opposite end, as the hole, (cannot see it in the diagram) there is nothing controlling it.  That bracket needs to pivot up to engage chock. Thats what I do not understand how that choke is engaged. 
2024/12/09 06:33:15
Is the machine "new" to you?  Or at least used before you got it?
Did the choke ever work correctly?
I ask in that someone previously may have bent in say a "tab" that would push / pull 
the choke rod / modified it, etc....   
Can you take and post a You Tube video up close, everything else out of the way of the area
where we believe the choke arm goes?  Specifically, moving the linkage to choke and back, etc..
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