First, post the make and MODEL # of the engine itself.
I do a bunch of generator carbs (SW Florida) as they sit between hurricanes and only come out of "storage" not to start (due to old fuel).
Easily, 95% of them I can get running W/O any parts.
Really bad carbs, I'll put in the Ultra Sonic machine.
Briggs for instance, their float needle seat (a softish rubber?), may be the
biggest "leaker" of fuel and not sealing. You can buy a full set of the red
seats on Flea Bay for cheap. Those are easily changed and I've had good success
with them.
I would try to keep away from aftermarket carbs and repair what you have.
Flea Bay carbs are a 50 / 50 shot at fitting and even working correctly .
I also mainly use brake cleaner on the carb where rubber may be. Carb cleaner is somewhat harsh and will often ruin any rubber seals.
With a model #, you can look up the engine, look up the carb and then find what parts you may need.
With just a part #, enter that and do a search.. It's rare I can't find a part needed.
Your sized generator probably has a 10 HP Briggs (super popular, I own 3). Carb and carb parts
are easily found.
I would do a tear down and a good cleaning. You'll very likely be able to save it with little to no parts...