I use seafoam, and sta bil blue (marine?) In every fill up/can. The newer fule not only is prone to phase sep but the shelf life is extreemly short. If you are unlucky enough to be stuck with ethanol like me in New England do yourself a favor and start using a higher octane fuel. Leave the low grade 87 at the pump. Use high grade or mid grade at least. This way if you do get a little water in the fuel tou will still have useable gas once you strip the water out.
I can be more technical if anyone wants but this is a simple example.
Gas with ethanol suspends the water rather than letting it fall to the bottom like conventional fuel. Reformulated gas holds the water like a rain cloud, once the gas cant support the weight of the water it falls out stripping the ethanol from the gas. No ethanol means no octane and low octane translates to no burn.
So by using a higher octaine fuel you have a better chance of salvaging your gas should you get phase separation.
There is more science to it like temperature, % of ethanol etc. But...