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  • Husqvarna 2006 walk behind WH 5221 ignition issues won’t start
2022/05/20 18:49:02
Hey y’all, as you read in my subject line I got some problems, I’ve replaces the battery, plugs, Regulator, and coils and still no juice to the ignition switch. At one point it use to turn over for a couple seconds then die. now it does nothing. Any thoughts on what I should look at replacing next? the whole ignition set up? replace starter too? thanks in advance.
2022/05/21 16:30:16
The parts diagram doesn't show what engine is on there. Please post up what you have..
Check fuses and ALL safety switches.  It's very likely a switch is open killing the machine. 
Check YT, there's numerous video's showing how to by pass the switch to confirm that particular switch is the issue.
To check the starter alone, run a 12 volt lead to the cable side of the starter, it should turn over..
Confirm the battery is fully charged and get it LOAD TESTED.  It may a surface charge but under load(cranking), it drops...
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