2024/03/24 13:09:36
Hi Guys, just joined to get some wisdom if you can spare it.
I have got a SDMO Ipro 3000 inverter generator, it looks like a yamaha 3000 copy.
Its got fresh fuel, oil, and spark but i just cannot get it to fire up.
It turns over fine on the key. I managed to get it to run for 5 mins once with the pull start but was running quite lumpy and then hasnt started since.
the cylinder looks quite sooty when i pull the plug and look in with a torch, and if i spray easy start i can get a few puffs out of the exhaust when pulling it over but thats it,
the carbs got a stepper motor on it- not something i know about.... i cant think what else to explore.
any suggestions?
much appreciated.
2024/03/25 15:05:40
Might want to pull the carb and check the float needle and seat, that it's not leaking.
The float may be leaking, leaving the bowl to sink and stay open ALL the time flooding it.
As for the auto throttle, I've just left them attached and pulled the carb away some to work on em (mostly the small suitcase generators)..
2024/03/25 15:59:47
thank you, ill watch a youtube video and strip the carb. i was worried about the expensive inverter part being the problem but im hoping as its not firing up its purely a mechanical problem and the electrical bit is fine!?
2024/03/25 19:07:02
The two are really two separate systems..
You can plug in a lamp into one of the outlets and get the engine to fire up for a second or two.
The bulb should light up and from your description, it has nothing to do with generating electricity but the engine itself.
The spark plug should not be sooty and points to an overly rich ENGINE condition...
Before you try to start it, pull the spark plug, attach to the coil wire and ground to the head. 
Crank the engine over and look for spark.  If no/little spark, try another plug.  You'll likely have spark.
Spin over with the plug out should the engine be flooded and check for excess fuel coming out of the spark plug hole, there shouldn't be any...
2024/04/01 13:05:07
so,after tinkering over easter:
the carbs clean
its got new fuel
its got spark
i drained and put in new oil to be safe
it turns over with the key and the pull start - seems to have good compression, chuffs out puffs of black when pulled repeatedly.
the starter gets hot when turned over repeatedly
i cant see that its flooded.
easy start has no effect, i tried a drop of fuel direct into the cylinder too
im at a total loss. i must be over looking something ?
2024/04/01 13:10:18
How "wet" is the spark plug right after cranking?
Will the spark jump the electrodes when grounded to the head?
2024/04/01 13:28:39
yes it sparks across the electrode when touching the head, its like it goes sooty black, i wouldnt say its notably "wet" more like sooted up
2024/04/01 18:44:11
Did you try running with the air filter element removed?
Also, you are trying to start with the auto idle OFF, correct?
Lastly, if you have access to a "leak down tester" (and air compressor to operate with it), 
will give you a good idea as to the health of the engine.. (Valves, rings, etc, leaking ).
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