Several things to check.
-Loosen the fuel tank cap and try running. If clogged, it WILL run out of gas until the tank vacuum is cleared.
-I believe you have a fuel pump. When it acts up, pull the fuel line off the carb and into a clear
container. When cranked/stating, fuel should flow into the container.
-On the bottom of the carberator is a solenoid that turns fuel on and off. It's powered by 12 volts (2 wires). When you turn the key ON, you should be able to hear/feel the solenoid CLICK. It's function is to shut off fuel to the engine on shut down to prevent backfiring. The inside can seize up/fail (usually CLOSED) causing a run out of gas issue (even with a full tank). The click is the solenoid opening-which it should do...