2023/10/25 10:26:58
  I'm trying with no luck so far to remove the hub on a Toro 3400 Greens Master. I'm replacing the studs the hub will not come off the brake cable is off i don't have the Toro (TOR4097 Hub puller) what I'm using is a old rim with a large 2 jaw puller this thing will not budge. I've had it sprayed with a break free spray this hub has been on there for about 12 years so it is held there by a rust weld and keyway. Any help would be appreciated thank you in advance.
2023/10/25 10:41:21
I would think putting a bit of heat, with a torch (oxy/acetylene  , used around the inner hub should help..
I assumne your smacking the end of the puller when it's taught?
2023/10/25 19:31:28
Yes I've tapped it while puller is taught and I don't really like a torch on a hydraulic motor shaft.
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