It sounds like you have one cylinder not firing for whatever reason.
Thus, the lack of power and smell of excess fuel
(one cylinder dumping out excess fuel while not burning it)
I know you threw some parts at it but check for spark at the spark plug.
Remove and ground the plug (or a known good one) at the head.
You may have to do this once the engine is hot (spark possibly failing with heat)
as well.
I'd think one plug would be black(sooty) while the other a normal color.
A compression test would be extremely helpful, a "Leak down Test" even better.
Pulling one spark plug wire off while running should/may show one cylinder
not contributing to power output.
Re jets, there are jets in the carb which should not need re-jetting.
Un-less the previous owner messed with them, left them out, they should be fine.
You can pull the carb apart and just inspect. Use the parts diagram to compare to yours. .