I don't believe you have a fuel pump so the fuel must be coming from the carb..
Leaving the fuel lever on after pulling the carb off (still assembled), hooked up to the fuel line will
show any leakage coming out of the throttle bore. There should be none.
The float setting in general, with the carb upside down, should be parallel with the carb body.
Another way to check for needle/seat leakage is a by hooking up a Mity vac (or other) brake bleeder / vacuum tool. It's hooked up to the carb, (dry and off the engine). With the carb upside down and the tool installed, you should be able to pull AND HOLD A VACUUM. If it bleeds down, the seat/needle is leaking.
Often, the seat orifice varnishes up causing sticking. **A quick and easy fix is to use an ear cleaner.
Cut off one end, put some metal cleaner or tooth paste on the fluffy end. Install in a drill motor and insert into the carb needle bore. This will remove any and ALL varnish and the needle won't stick. You'll use several ear cleaners as a lot of crap will come out...
If the needle or seat is damaged / worn, the above won't fix that...
Plz post back how it goes...