I recently used my 3 yo, barely used (20 hours?) generatort to power a small Makita compressor. It ran fine for a day - not continuously but for a few hours. I ran it off Eco mode to avoid any bogging down issues when the compressor kicked in.
Next day I go to use again and it really struggled to get the cold compressor going, but it did then it overloaded and died. I tried to reduce the starting load by evacuating the compressor but, if I remember correctly, it at that point began a cycle of running and dying as follows:
Start but run rough, ranging around in revs and nor settling to an idle then, after about 10-20 seconds, running at very high revs in bursts before dying again with the overload light and the oil light lit up, the overload flashing 3 times before all going out.
I tried to get it going again 4 or 5 times and it went thru the exact same cycle each time.
Oil level is fine. Air filter looks like new.
I just tried it again 3 days later and it at least will run now though it's still ranging around on idle - but if I put it on ECO it does eventually, after 5 seconds or so, rev down to a smooth idle.
I have to admit that it was left un-run for a couple of years with fuel in it until I drained it recently. It had fresh fuel in during this issue. Having run well for a day with no issues I'm not inclined to think it's a fuel issue but am aware of the possibility of gumming.
Any ideas/suggestions before I pull some bits off to check the jet as per this video? (yes, I know it's a different genny!) hanks