Hi all, I’m not sure if this is the best place for my question, but I have a John Deere L110 that I just changed the tires on. I noticed when I went to takeoff one of the rear tires that a small, maybe 2 inch little piece of steel fell on the ground. I think it fell from the groove that is on the axle of the rear tire. I’m a newbie with this, but it appeared that it somehow became free, whereas normally that small piece of steel is connected to the groove in the axle and that helps the tire stay on and in control. I put that small piece of Steel, which looked to be roughly square shaped, into the groove of the axle. It didn’t really attach to it, but Gravity held it into groove and then I put the tire onto the axle so that the notch in the rim Slid over that piece of metal, hopefully holding everything all together while on the axle. I noticed that when I secured the tire on to the axle there had it didn’t spin quite as freely as the other tire. When I went to fire up the tractor, I hit the gas and there was absolutely no movement of the tractor. I did the same with the tractor in reverse and nothing. I checked to make sure that the brake was off and that didn’t affect anything. I suspect that the problem has to do with that rear tire/axle area not being right now. For reference, the tractor was running fine up until the time of the tire change.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give!