The main jet issue has been fixed, I got a brand new carburetor for less than just the jet. I tested it for about 15 minutes and it ran great. So the next day I got ready to do some serious pressure washing and it wouldn't start at all. So weird. I finally traced it down and noticed that I didn't have a spark on my plug. I tested it with a different plug and I had a spark just fine. Went back to the old plug - no spark. Now my nightmare begins. I pull up the parts manual for this particular B&S engine and the plug it says I need for this engine doesn't look at all like the old one. The mandated one (#697451 EMS or #796112 resistor) has a tread depth of about 10 mm whereas the old plug is about twice as deep, about 20 mm (see picture). Now remember this plug has been in this engine for a good 10 years without any problems but I immediately went to measure to piston clearance at TDC and the tip of the plug when I realized that I am poking around in some chamber, because as I move the piston up and down the wire I stuck through the spark plug hole is not moving up and down with the piston. I looked in there with a flash light as good as I could and I can clearly see some kind of a chamber where the plug is and off to the left I can see the piston. I go back to the parts manual to check out all the possible heads and according to my engine code 050727 FA, head #594989 is the right head, but nowhere do i see any kind of a chamber. So now I am totally confused and have no clue what to make of all of this. I double checked engine model number and code and they are correct. Help!
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