2024/07/01 14:22:31
I have a GSM Wood Chipper fitted with a Briggs & Stratton 18HP OHV V Twin engine. It was running fine & chipping wood fine. It suddenly stopped & will not fire or start. There is no sign of it trying to catch.
What should be my troubleshooting sequence? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Terry
2024/07/01 15:32:04
Please clarify..
Does the engine spin over and just not start, OR
does the engine not spin over at all?
2024/07/01 15:43:02
Hi, yes it spins just fine (it has an electric start), so turns over fast. Terry
2024/07/01 18:21:28
Does it spin faster than normal??
Pull both spark plugs. Attach to spark plug wire, ground to head, crank the engine over and look for spark.
2024/07/02 04:21:38
Hi, I have pulled bith spark plugs & they are wet with fuel, so it looks as though its not a fuel issue. I grounded both spark plugs against the crankcase & neither produced a spark, so it appears the problem is electrical. I cannot see any obvious signs of wires coming loose. Is there a way of bypassing any potential shorts/kill wires? Many thanks, Terry
2024/07/02 08:16:06
Many thanks, great help. Terry
2024/07/02 12:02:47
Please post back how it goes.... Scott
2024/07/02 13:27:25
I took off the kill wire & eureka, got a spark. So it would appear that the kill wire is shorting to ground somewhere. I will do some further investigating, but at least I know the coils are ok and producing a spark. Thanks for your help. Terry
2024/07/02 18:43:22
Was there something in the video about diodes in the wire that attaches to the coil?
Also, if you have a solenoid on the carb, you can use that to kill the engine (lack of fuel).
Leave the kill wire off altogether..  
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